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Consortium Bulletin Board

2024 Appeal

We have begun the 2024 Appeal. The Appeal is an annual call to action, uniting all twenty-three counties of the diocese of Columbus in stewardship.

It is a crucial initiative that empowers us to contribute to our diocese’s sustainability collectively. This year’s theme, Respond To His Love, reflects the profound and boundless love emanating from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It serves as a reminder that every act of generosity, every prayer, and every contribution to The Appeal 2024 is a response to the overwhelming love we receive from our Lord.

As we strive to live out this theme, we aim to deepen our connection with the heart of Christ and share that love abundantly with others. This year, The Appeal campaign seeks to raise $7.5 million to support and enhance critical ministries and services that form the pillars of our faith community. Through the generosity of donors, we can amplify our impact on Evangelization, Catholic Education, Vocations, and Social Concerns.

St. Vincent de Paul has a goal set by the Diocese of $70,584.12 and has set a parish goal of $115,000. All monies beyond the Diocesan goal will come back to the church for much needed audio system upgrades in the church and our school. 

St. Luke’s goal set by the Diocese of $28,068.29, any funds beyond this will come back to St. Luke to support new protective glass for the stained glass windows and improvements to the retaining wall on the south side of the church.

In past years our parishioners have always been very generous and we have been able to maintain both church buildings and other important projects. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to support the important Appeal campaign as well as our individual churches.



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