Classes run for 8 sessions.
Your class options are:
At Consortium Offices in Mount Vernon (303 E. High Street):
Sundays 6:00 pm starting January 7
Mondays (Women's group) 1:00 pm starting January 8
Wednesdays 6:30 pm starting January 10
At the St. Luke Community Center in Danville (8 Rambo Street):
Classes begin on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 14) after the 6:30 pm Mass.
Classes continue on Sundays after the 10:00 am Mass from February 18th through April 7th with a break for Easter Sunday.
Workbooks cost $24.95 and come with online access for a year in case you miss a week. Checks should be written to St. Luke or St. Vincent de Paul with Gospel of John written in memo. You may bring your payment on the first day of class.
Email Amanda Mayville at to RSVP