Join us in praying for our friends, family, fellow parishioners
and all who access this wall of prayers. Click the prayer to enlarge it. Please acknowledge you've prayed for a specific prayer by "hearting" it. New prayers added as we receive them. Please check back often! Thank you!
Prayers are requested for baby Jairus who is at Akron's children's hospital. He was born with a minor birth defect and is having difficulty recovering from surgery to repair his small defect. The problem is bleeding at the incision site.
Added Anonymously 10/28/24
lease say a prayer for my Mom and Dad, Margaret and Walter Cabaj. They were married in your church on 7/28/1956. I love and miss them dearly! My wife and I plan to visit your church soon.
Added 10/16/24 by Mark Cabaj
Asking for prayers during my breast cancer journey.
Added 9/16/2024 Anonymously
Please pray for my husband who is suffering since June 2024 from bladder and heart problems. We both need patience as we experience much frustration waiting for answers.
Shared anonymously 8/27/24
I will begin daily radiation treatments on the 22nd for four weeks. Please pray that all goes well and according to the Lord's plan. TIA.
Shared Anonymously 7/22/24
Prayers for President Trump as he heals from his attempted assassination attack. Prayers for peace for his wife and family. Prayers to the two innocent bystanders that lost their life….and those that were hurt. And last but not least- prayers for the soul of the man that carried out this assassination attempt and was neutralized. May God have mercy on his soul.
Added July 14, 2024 by Patty Arrigo
Prayer for Andrew and Nicole good days and protection God to work in our lives and
Added 7/1/24 by Andrew & Nicole
Healing and comfort for Melinda Scott. Strength, knowledge and confidence of her healthcare team.
Added 6/27/24 by Casey Adams
Please pray for those with health concerns, myself included. Awaiting tests and appointments is frustrating at times. God has a plan, we have to keep the faith in Him.
Added by Anonymous 5/15/24
Please pray for these deceased souls of the Marshall Family.
Isabel Marshall
David Marshall
Mildred Marshall
John Marshall &
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Marshall
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Added 4/15/24 by Amanda
Please Pray M and B would have their physical home in Reno/Sparks restored.
Shared anonymously 4/8/24
Please pray for the relationship between a mother and her teenage son.
Submitted 4/8/24 by Jen
Please pray for the soul of Greg Magers,
and for his friends and family during this time of grief.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
Please pray for the soul of Monsignor Frank Meagher, who used to celebrate Mass frequently at St. Vincent de Paul, and for his friends and family during this time of grief.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
Please pray for my husband, newly diagnosed with leukemia. We are awaiting further test results in order for his doctor to "stage" the cancer. This has been a devastating blow to us and our adult children. With the help of professionals, we pray that nutrition
improvements and using natural supplements, as God gave us, will put this disease at bay. God is good.
Added 3/23/24 by Anonymous
Please pray for four month old Holly Ruth, she has Down Syndrome and is having heart surgery today to repair two holes in her heart. She is the child of a dear friend.
Posted February 26, 2024 by Rita Dudgeon
Kevin Girardi, our seminarian last year, will be ordained to the Order of Deacon on March 9th in preparation for his ordination to the Holy Priesthood in 2025. Please keep him in prayer as he draws near to his ordination and consider offering a rosary or praying the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for his intention. His first Holy Mass of preaching will be at Our Lady of Victory in Columbus on March 10th at 10am. Thank you for your prayers!
[Added February 20, 2024 by Brooke A.]
Please pray for the soul of Mary Ann Olvera, Father Olvera's mother, and for Father Olvera and his family during this time of grief.
Please pray for my son, Gidon', his wife Emily, and my grandchildren: Eitan, Sapir and Yonatan. They live in Tel Aviv, Israel and the war is very close to them.
[Added January 2, 2024 by Mary Jo]
Please pray for Father Spyridon in Wales (birth name is Darren Bailey). He is a Russian Orthodox priest in Wales, and is also the father of one of my best friends. He is in the hospital for a triple bypass surgery, but they have yet to find a surgeon for him. Please pray that he is healed, that the surgery is successful and goes without complications, that he has a full recovery, and that his family is comforted at this time.
[Added December 20, 2023 by Jessica]
Please pray for a local Mom and baby who had to have an emergency c-section and the baby was born prematurely. They’re anticipating a long nicu stay for the baby. Please pray for comfort for the parents and healing for the baby.e.
[Added December 18, 2023 by Anonymous]